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Brand: Sage

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £25.95 - £25.95 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

MODEL BES003 The Temp Control Milk jug with indicator strip gives you total control over temperature. Integrated thermometer for texturing milk to the optimum temperature between 55 75c Spout design, Ideal for latte art. 480ml Capacity....

MODEL BES003 The Temp Control Milk jug with indicator strip gives you total control over temperature. Integrated thermometer for texturing milk to the optimum temperature between 55 75c Spout design, Ideal for latte art. 480ml Capacity....Read More...»»

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  • MODEL BES003 The Temp Control Milk jug with indicator strip gives you total control over temperature. Integrated thermometer for texturing milk to the optimum temperature between 55 75c Spout design, Ideal for latte art. 480ml Capacity.....from PRC Direct
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