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Brand: Ebac

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £319.00 - £319.00 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

""A powerful semi professional dehumidifier with an infinity humidistat. Ideal for building drying, plaster drying and paint. Useful for minor floods and water ingress. Infinity humidistat control Set any humidity level you require to quickly and effectively remove moisture Ideal for tough jobs. Plastering,...

""A powerful semi professional dehumidifier with an infinity humidistat. Ideal for building drying, plaster drying and paint. Useful for minor floods and water ingress. Infinity humidistat control Set any humidity level you require to quickly and effectively remove moisture Ideal for tough jobs. Plastering, carpet cleaning, floods, water ingress and building work. The Powerdri 18 resolved all damp and condensation issues quickly. Suitable for DIY Painting, plastering, carpet cleaning can all be completely quicker with the Powerdri 18. ""...Read More...»»

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  • ""A powerful semi professional dehumidifier with an infinity humidistat. Ideal for building drying, plaster drying and paint. Useful for minor floods and water ingress. Infinity humidistat control Set any humidity level you require to quickly and effectively remove moisture Ideal for tough jobs. Plastering, carpet cleaning, floods, water ingress and building work. The Powerdri 18 resolved all damp and condensation issues quickly. Suitable for DIY Painting, plastering, carpet cleaning can all be completely quicker with the Powerdri 18. ""....from Electrical Discount UK
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    The Ebac POWERDRI18 can also be known as POWERDRI 18

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